Monday, June 16, 2008


Taliana and Ammon are playing soccer. They have been begging to play for about a year now, and I finally did it. They play every Saturday until July 19th. I didn't realize this until we went to orientation and the kids were already so excited, I couldn't back out. I was just worried that it would cut into our summer traveling down to St. George, but this is what's important to Taliana and Ammon. So... we will just go down after soccer is over. (or... St. George people could come up and visit us up here. *wink wink*)


Brandon, Camille & Milo said...
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aaron and jenn said...

fun times to look forward to! these kiddo's grow up way too fast. its so not cool... your little malia is so stinking cute and i want you to know that the arranged marriage for her and waylon is so on! lol hope your well, i think of you often! ps you working july 2-9th-ish? i will be in town. let me know!

Anonymous said...

Yeah! I found you from jenn's blog. I didn't know you blog but I am so excited! Your family is so cute and that mothers day weekend was amazing! Haven't worked at PBK in forever, don't even know if I have a job anymore! Keep in touch