Monday, December 29, 2008

They are FINALLY out!

Taliana FINALLY lost her front teeth! We have been waiting for one of them to fall out for quite a while. (the permant tooth was already coming in behind it) So... with a little bribing and a LOT of pulling... it came out, ROOT & ALL! We felt so bad. Taliana kept saying it was hurting her, but we just figured she was being dramatic. But, after it ALL came out we felt really bad. Don't worry... the tooth fairy pays REALLY well for teeth like that. Then... the day after Christmas she was outside trying to put her gloves on and she bit her glove and the second front tooth popped out and into the snow. This is the only time I was happy her tooth had been capped. It was easier to find a silver tooth in the snow. Or else we would have had to wait until spring to find it (when all the snow melts). Big thanks to Jason for going out in the cold to find it.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Hawaii Trip

Malia and I just got back from Laie, Hawaii. I went with my sister in-law Alesi to surprise her sister (Kristina) who is going to school at BYU-Hawaii. We had a GREAT time! It was a quick trip, but it was nice to get away.

Things I miss about the island....

  • The long scenic drive from "town" to Laie. The one hour drive didn't seem that bad when you are spoiled with the beautiful landscape of O'ahu.
  • The beach. Hukilau Beach was just across the street. It was SO great to be able to go to the beach in December.
  • PCC (aka... Polynesican Cultural Center). We hung out at the Fijian village with Kristina and her friends. Malia loved the attention from the girls and I loved watching Alesi visit with friends she new while going to school there.
  • Relaxing and hanging out with Kristina and the girls. Malia was in heaven with all the attention she got from all the girls. It was SO nice to be able to relax while Malia was being entertained.
  • Listening to Alesi speak Fijian. (by the way Alesi... I don't care what that Tahitian boy said... it doesn't sound like you are throwing up when you speak Fijian. hahahah)
  • The Aloha stadium swap meet. We woke up at 6am to be at the swap meet by 7am. I think we were the first ones there. We had TONS of fun walking around and trying to narrow down our purchases.
  • Fabric Mart. For those of you who know me... I LOVE FABRIC! We found this store that sells nothing BUT hawaiian print fabric for such a GREAT price. I wanted to spend ALL my money there, but unfortunately it was only our second day on the island and I had to budget. So... I acted with self-control and only got two different fabrics. Next time though... watch out!
  • L&L's. For those of you who've eaten at L&Ls either in Salt Lake City or in Hawaii. You know what I'm talking about. YUMMY! My favorite L&Ls is on Waikiki Beach, but I found my second favorite... Pearl City. And the great thing about the Pearl City one is... it is in the same parking lot at Wal-Mart. How great is that??
  • The Caf (aka... BYUH cafeteria). They had YUMMY food and it almost tasted like it was a home-cooked meal.
  • The humidity. I know... I'm one of "those" people that LOVE humidity.

Thank you Alesi for allowing Malia and I to tag along with you. We had SO much fun and can't wait until next year!

Hawaii 2008

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Thursday, November 27, 2008

Playing tag

Okay... so I saw this tag post on a friend's blog (thanks Emily) and wanted to do it. So... here it is...

Here’s a list of 100 things. All the things I’ve done are highlighted in red. Copy this list on your own blog and come clean on everything you’ve done. Do it. You know you want to.

  1. Started your own blog
  2. Slept under the stars
  3. Played in a band (6th grade band class counts, right?)
  4. Visited Hawaii
  5. Watched a meteor shower
  6. Given more than you can afford to charity
  7. Been to Disneyland
  8. Climbed a mountain
  9. Held a praying mantis
  10. Sang a solo
  11. Bungee jumped
  12. Visited Paris
  13. Watched a lightning storm at sea
  14. Taught yourself an art from scratch
  15. Adopted a child
  16. Had food poisoning
  17. Walked to the top of the Statue of Liberty
  18. Grown your own vegetables
  19. Seen the Mona Lisa in France
  20. Slept on an overnight train
  21. Had a pillow fight
  22. Hitch hiked
  23. Taken a sick day when you’re not ill (who hasn't?)
  24. Built a snow fort
  25. Held a lamb
  26. Gone skinny dipping (shhh, don't tell)
  27. Run a Marathon (does a 1/2 marathon count?)
  28. Ridden in a gondola in Venice
  29. Seen a total eclipse
  30. Watched a sunrise or sunset
  31. Hit a home run (wahoo for YW softball)
  32. Been on a cruise
  33. Seen Niagara Falls in person
  34. Visited the birthplace of your ancestors (does Hurricane, UT count?)
  35. Seen an Amish community
  36. Taught yourself a new language
  37. Had enough money to be truly satisfied
  38. Seen the Leaning Tower of Pisa in person
  39. Gone rock climbing
  40. Seen Michelangelo’s David
  41. Sung karaoke
  42. Seen Old Faithful geyser erupt
  43. Bought a stranger a meal at a restaurant
  44. Visited Africa
  45. Walked on a beach by moonlight
  46. Been transported in an ambulance
  47. Had your portrait painted
  48. Gone deep sea fishing
  49. Seen the Sistine Chapel in person
  50. Been to the top of the Eiffel Tower in Paris
  51. Gone scuba diving or snorkeling
  52. Kissed in the rain
  53. Played in the mud
  54. Gone to a drive-in theater
  55. Been in a movie
  56. Visited the Great Wall of China
  57. Started a business
  58. Taken a martial arts class
  59. Visited Russia
  60. Served at a soup kitchen
  61. Sold Girl Scout Cookies
  62. Gone whale watching
  63. Got flowers for no reason
  64. Donated blood, platelets or plasma
  65. Gone sky diving
  66. Visited a Nazi Concentration Camp
  67. Bounced a check
  68. Flown in a helicopter
  69. Saved a favorite childhood toy
  70. Visited the Lincoln Memorial
  71. Eaten Caviar
  72. Pieced a quilt
  73. Stood in Times Square
  74. Toured the Everglades
  75. Been fired from a job
  76. Seen the Changing of the Guards in London
  77. Broken a bone (Thank you Jennifer)
  78. Been on a speeding motorcycle
  79. Seen the Grand Canyon in person
  80. Published a book
  81. Visited the Vatican
  82. Bought a brand new car
  83. Walked in Jerusalem
  84. Had your picture in the newspaper
  85. Read the entire Bible
  86. Visited the White House
  87. Killed and prepared an animal for eating
  88. Had chickenpox
  89. Saved someone’s life
  90. Sat on a jury
  91. Met someone famous
  92. Joined a book club
  93. Lost a loved one
  94. Had a baby
  95. Seen the Alamo in person
  96. Swam in the Great Salt Lake
  97. Been involved in a law suit
  98. Owned a cell phone
  99. Been stung by a bee
  100. Visited Italy

Isn't it crazy that I have lived in Salt Lake City now for 9 years and I have NEVER swam in the Great Salt Lake?? hmmmm.

So I’ve done 56 out of 100 things. I guess that means I'm sort of adventurous, right? However... I did most of those things while in high school and during college. Thank you mom and dad for giving me those GREAT opportunites of traveling.

Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Malia!

I can't believe my baby is already a year old. It has gone by TOO fast. She has grown up so much these past few months. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet, so I don't know her "stats". However, I did put her on the scale at the Vet a few weeks ago and she was 27.6 pounds. So... she is still REALLY healthy.

Here are a few of her favorite things...

* Dance - she loves to dance whenever she hears music

* Shoes - she brings them to me so I can put them on her.

* Meesha - When we get home the first thing she does to run to Meesha's kennel to let her out.

* Bite - I know this is a negative thing, but... I am finding it hard for her to understand that the person receiving the bite is NOT as happy as she is actually giving the bite.

* Blankies - She has 4 favorite blankies (the soft kinds) that she cannot live without. She has them all in her crib and has to have ALL of them in her arms to fall asleep. The other day I could hear her screaming from upstairs, so I ran up and she was trying to pull out her blankets through the slats in the crib and they were stuck. So, as soon as she had them all in her arms she was happy as could be.

* Dora couch - Grandma Kaufusi gave her a Dora couch for her birthday. The kinds that folds out to a bed. She loves to sit and lay on it. She changes it from bed to couch constantly. It keeps her entertained for a good hour. Before she actually lays still enough to fall asleep.

* Follow - She loves to follow Taliana and Ammon around. It is SO funny... if Ammon is playing with his light-saber, then Malia has to have a light-saber to play with too. And if Taliana is playing with her babies, Malia has to have a baby in her arms as well.

* Pretties - Malia loves to have "pretties" (aka bows) in her hair. She also loves to rip them out and have you put them back in.

* Piggie-back rides - Malia loves when I give her piggie-back rides down the stairs. She knows how to come down the stairs on her own, but sometimes she will yell "mom, mom, mom, mom" from the top of the stairs so I can come get her to give her a ride down.

We feel very blessed to have Malia a part of our family. It was worth the LONG wait. Now I am left with one thought... do I keep her as the youngest or do I give her another play-mate? Hmmmm...... decisions, decisions!

Here is Malia in her favorite spot. Malia loves to get her morning bottle and sit on the stairs and drink it. She thinks she is such a big girl because she can sit and kick her feel while she drinks her bottle. And of course.... her blankie in the other hand.

The night of her birthday I was in the kitchen helping Taliana with Malia's birthday cake. We noticed things were quiet and we couldn't hear Malia. We went into the Family room and here was Malia. She had found a sucker and opened it and nestled into Ammon chair and was watching TV and eating her sucker. It was too cute that I couldn't get mad at her (after all... it was her birthday). So... I just grabbed the camera and snapped a picture.

Taliana made this birthday cake for Malia. Jason had to work late that night, so we decided to do a little party of our own. Which consisted of Malia'a favorite dinner... Top Ramen. Malia loved her cake. Thanks Taliana, you are such a great big sister!

Here is Malia getting ready to blow out her candle. Sorry... I was also video taping, so I only got a picture of her just before we set down the cake.

Disney on Ice

Yes... we have kept the tradition going. We took the kids to Disney on Ice last night. We have gone the past 4 times. However, we did have to miss last year because I had just had Malia a few days before. The kids love to go. Malia was SO good. She sat SO still on Jason's lap and watched the whole thing. She was so sad when the intermission came and the lights came on. I have to say... this was the BEST show I've seen so far. They had ALL the princesses there. They spot-lighted each one. Mulan was mine and Taliana's favorite. I love the music in Mulan. It was a fun filled night for ALL!

Here we are waiting for the show to start.

We let the kids pick out one souveniour from the show. This was their pick this time.

We always get a photo taken when we go. We have built up a pretty good collection....

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Malia's Birthday Party

Here are a few pictures from Malia's party. It was PERFECT. Everything went as planned. The only thing I would have done differently was have someone (beside myself) take the pictures. I was too busy visiting with everyone and helping Malia that I didn't get as many good shots as I would have liked. But all in all.... it was a GREAT party.

Here are the flowers my mom and I made out of tissue paper. I loved how they turned out. Definitely something fun and easy for a cute decoartion.

Taliana is hanging out with her cousins.

I have to give a BIG shout out to my sister in-law Alesi. She ran a half-marathon, then jumped in the car (with her family) and drove 4+ hours to be here for Malia's first birthday. Thank you SO much for coming up. It meant so much for ALL of us that you came. I'm sad it was only a short visit, but hopefully we can get together again soon.
Here is Malia with her cake. He didn't have any candles... so... we had to resort to the next best thing... a LOLIPOP. It was perfect!
It was a tight squeeze to put to bounce houses in the gym... but it all worked out.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

What's up with all the sickness?

Okay... I don't mean to complain... but... what is going on in the state of Utah that almost everyone I know is sick?? Don't the germs know that I am TRYING to host a fabulous birthday party for my cute Malia?? I think half of my guests have called or emailed to tell me that they are sick and will not be coming to the festivities. I thought I picked a good weekend... but as my luck goes... "I'm just not lucky".

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Happy Halloween!

I know it is after Halloween, but I was debating whether or not to post these pictures. I feel like I have been bombarding you (speaking to the few readers I have) with pictures lately. But then... I thought the kids looked pretty cute and wanted you to see them as well.

Taliana was "Gabriella" from High School Musical.

Ammon was "Anikan Skywalker" from Star Wars the Clone Wars.

Malia was a little monkey. Each of my kids have worn this costume for their first Halloween so I was SO excited when Jason found this costume the night before. I thought had given it back to my sister Jennifer (the rightful owner - my mom made this costume for her daughter Tana on her first Halloween).

I also forgot to post a picture of Malia's pumpkin. She loved it so much she didn't want to let go.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Malia's birthday invitation

I have to write a post about this. My sweet sister Jennifer spent all day working on this SUPER CUTE invitation for Malia's party. I love it! And it fits her perfectly. Although Jennifer will NOT be able to come up to the party, Malia is SO grateful to have an amazing auntie like her. Thank you so much!

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

Our little getaway!

I have to give a big THANKS to my parents for sharing their time-share with us these past few days. We have enjoyed spending time with them, especially our kids. I hate that we live SO far away from them. My kids love to spend time with their Papa T & Grandma Randee. Here are a few things we did while in Park City....

The kids did crafts (painted ceramic pieces, made cards & tie-dyed shirts)

We had Dr. Mario tournaments. Needless to say... I'm the champ.

We did PLENTY of swimming. Malia wasn't too sure about the water so she only lasted about 10 minutes.

Malia pretty much spent most of her time on Papa's lap - her favorite spot!

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

The spirit of Halloween is here!

We took the kids to pick out their pumpkins. They had fun choosing their own. Then we came home and carved them. It was fun! Here are some of the quotes of the evening....

Ammon: "Eeww, this is really gross!"

Ammon: "You should never have to put your hand inside a pumpkin."

Taliana: "Why don't these pumpkins come already cleaned."

Ammon: "I can't handle this Mom"

Ammon was definitely more grossed out that Taliana. Taliana ended up cleaning out Ammon because he couldn't handle it.

Malia just laughed every time we pulled out more guts of the pumpkin. She was pretty entertained by it all.

All in all... it was a fun evening. Here are a few pics to prove it!

Malia - our little pumpkin!

Ammon and his pumpkin - sorry... I didn't clean off my dishes before the photoshoot. By the way... my pumpkin is the polka-dot one behind Ammon's.

Taliana designed her own pumpkin - if you can't tell... those are HEART eyes. (of course)

Grandma's funeral

My grandma passed away last week so we went down to St. George for her funeral. Although it was sad to say good-bye to her, we were all so happy for her reunion with my grandpa and our two Uncles (Jonny & Orvile).

Funerals = BIG family gatherings. I love when our whole family gathers together. It was fun reuniting with eachother and having our children play together. It's exactly what my grandma would have wanted.

The Taylor girls - I don't know why we chose to look directly into the sun. hahaha
My grandma's casket - isn't it beautiful?

Shelly & Robert

Jennifer & Troy - can you believe she had a baby 2 months ago?? You can't even tell.

Todd & Alesi & kiddos

Camille & my dad - sorry it's a little blurry.
My brother Travis - placing his flower on my grandma's casket.

We miss you grandma!
Sorry Sean & Sarah... I don't know why I didn't snap a picture of you guys.

Thursday, October 9, 2008


I used to tease my cousin all the time when we were younger because her family would drive up from Las Vegas to "look at the colors". I just thought it was ODD that they named the drive as "looking at the colors". But now that I am older (and hopefully wiser) I now appreciate all the beautiful colors that we are blessed with at this time of year. I LOVE to drive around and "look at the colors". Jennifer was in town last week taking pictures for her step-daughter's wedding announcements, so we decided to tag along and have her take pictures of the kids in Provo Canyon. It was a hectic day. None of the kids matched - so there was NO group shot. Taliana refused to let me blow-dry her hair with a round brush. I was only able to straighten it with the flat iron. So... that is why her hair is SO flat! It wasn't a good day for Malia either. She refused to smile for Jennifer and would barely look at her while she was taking her pictures. But... there were a few good ones that Jennifer snapped and I do have to say that I really like the candid ones the best. And Ammon... he was happy just as long as he was wearing his JEANS! (this kid can't live without them. He wore them ALL summer long!)

Anyways... here are a few of the pictures....

By the end of the "photoshoot" Malia had had it! She refused to be a part of ANY picture! But Jennifer and I both decided that this was the best picture of ALL!