Wow... where was the time gone?? I can't believe Malia is 9 months old. I took her to the doctor and he said she was a VERY healthy little girl. She weighs 22 lbs 10 ounces and is 29.75 inches tall. So... 90th percentile in weight and 97th percentile in height. I am used to having tall babies, but Malia is my chubbiest. And I LOVE IT!!
Malia is still such a great baby. She is still sleeping through the night and loves her naps (some even last 4 - 5 hours long). She got her first tooth (bottom middle) about a month ago, and is getting 3 more (the other bottom middle and her vampire ones). She has taken a few steps here and there, but knows she can get around a lot faster if she crawls, so she just crawls. Malia loves to climb up the stairs. If I see her start to climb I will call her name and she just climbs faster. Then when she reaches the top she turns around and smiles her BIG smile and claps her hands. I know... her smile just melts my heart - it's too hard to get mad at her.
Taliana and Ammon are still a HUGE help with Malia. I don't know what I am going to do when they are in school all day. I know Malia is going to miss them.
We are very impressed with all Malias skills she is so advanced for nine months. I think you were really pregnant for a year and didn't tell anyone! I am confused on the whole % thing for babies. Alvie was 85% in weight at his 9 month check and he weighed 24 lbs. And his height was 92% at 31 inches. Does each doctor have the're own chart? Anyways, Malia is so cute and charming we cant wait to see you soon (hopefully)!
Malia is BEAUTIFUL!!! All your kids are. I'm sorry to hear about the cankle incident but Home Depot sure was "Johnny on the spot" with that crowbar. I really love that we have met through the blogging Sarah's lucky to have such neat in laws.
Sarah I know what you mean about the chart thing. I always seemed to get conflicting percentages. I would say that Malia and Alvie are both a healthy percent.
I don't know about the whole charting thing. I did have a different nurse this past time, maybe that was it. Also... they keep giving me different heights as well. Like one time she SHRUNK an inch. Who knows!
I miss you Malia girl! You are too cute. I always look forward to playing with you and cousin Alvie...cos I know it's not going to be too long b4 you start running off on your own...& Tenille 3 is an odd number FYI
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