Monday, May 5, 2008

happy happy birthday

Yesterday was Eveline's birthday (Jason's mother). We planned a SURPRISE birthday dinner for her at Jason's brother's house. But when you have over 30 people coming, trying to keep it a surprise is a REAL struggle. It was all good though.

I just wanted to tell Eveline how much I love and appreciate all that she does for our family. Both her and her husband has sacrificed so much for their children. (Just a little background information....) They moved over from the Islands of Tonga in the early 1970s. Her husband (Petelo) first came, then she came with the children (8 total - 5 were theirs and 3 were her syblings.) Her mother (Jason's grandmother) died of a heart attack when she was 49 years old, leaving behind young children, the youngest being jut 4 months old. Eveline is the eldest of 12 children, so she raised the youngest 4 syblings along with her 8 children. They didn't have much for their children, but they were raised with LOVE (and I guess that's all you really need.) Eveline didn't speak much English, but she learned most of it from watching Sesame Street with the kids and helping them with their homework.

Eveline would drop everything to help ANYONE. I have to say... I've dropped a few things on her at times (like deciding to make an Easter dress at 10pm the night before Easter.) She is an amazing seamstress. She can create anything. When she made Taliana's Easter dress a few years ago, that was the first time she has actually used a pattern. I wish I had those talents.

Eveline has 34 grandchildren and has a great relationship with each one. She makes each grandchild feel so loved.

Ofa Atu!

**The picture is of Eveline and Doug (Jason's mother and brother)**