Saturday, November 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Malia!

I can't believe my baby is already a year old. It has gone by TOO fast. She has grown up so much these past few months. I haven't gone to the Dr. yet, so I don't know her "stats". However, I did put her on the scale at the Vet a few weeks ago and she was 27.6 pounds. So... she is still REALLY healthy.

Here are a few of her favorite things...

* Dance - she loves to dance whenever she hears music

* Shoes - she brings them to me so I can put them on her.

* Meesha - When we get home the first thing she does to run to Meesha's kennel to let her out.

* Bite - I know this is a negative thing, but... I am finding it hard for her to understand that the person receiving the bite is NOT as happy as she is actually giving the bite.

* Blankies - She has 4 favorite blankies (the soft kinds) that she cannot live without. She has them all in her crib and has to have ALL of them in her arms to fall asleep. The other day I could hear her screaming from upstairs, so I ran up and she was trying to pull out her blankets through the slats in the crib and they were stuck. So, as soon as she had them all in her arms she was happy as could be.

* Dora couch - Grandma Kaufusi gave her a Dora couch for her birthday. The kinds that folds out to a bed. She loves to sit and lay on it. She changes it from bed to couch constantly. It keeps her entertained for a good hour. Before she actually lays still enough to fall asleep.

* Follow - She loves to follow Taliana and Ammon around. It is SO funny... if Ammon is playing with his light-saber, then Malia has to have a light-saber to play with too. And if Taliana is playing with her babies, Malia has to have a baby in her arms as well.

* Pretties - Malia loves to have "pretties" (aka bows) in her hair. She also loves to rip them out and have you put them back in.

* Piggie-back rides - Malia loves when I give her piggie-back rides down the stairs. She knows how to come down the stairs on her own, but sometimes she will yell "mom, mom, mom, mom" from the top of the stairs so I can come get her to give her a ride down.

We feel very blessed to have Malia a part of our family. It was worth the LONG wait. Now I am left with one thought... do I keep her as the youngest or do I give her another play-mate? Hmmmm...... decisions, decisions!

Here is Malia in her favorite spot. Malia loves to get her morning bottle and sit on the stairs and drink it. She thinks she is such a big girl because she can sit and kick her feel while she drinks her bottle. And of course.... her blankie in the other hand.

The night of her birthday I was in the kitchen helping Taliana with Malia's birthday cake. We noticed things were quiet and we couldn't hear Malia. We went into the Family room and here was Malia. She had found a sucker and opened it and nestled into Ammon chair and was watching TV and eating her sucker. It was too cute that I couldn't get mad at her (after all... it was her birthday). So... I just grabbed the camera and snapped a picture.

Taliana made this birthday cake for Malia. Jason had to work late that night, so we decided to do a little party of our own. Which consisted of Malia'a favorite dinner... Top Ramen. Malia loved her cake. Thanks Taliana, you are such a great big sister!

Here is Malia getting ready to blow out her candle. Sorry... I was also video taping, so I only got a picture of her just before we set down the cake.


Shauna said...

Hey, I ♥ your blog! Thanks for sharing :)

Taylor Tribe said...

We just had a family mtg...& we ALL agree that Malia NEEDS a playmate...ASAP too!

aaron and jenn said...

how do they grow up so fast!! pretty soon our 2 kiddos will be getting hitched! (arranged marriage) lol cute little malia! so i am still missing ya, and will still let you know when i make it there to utah!!

Bree said...

I love that we can stay in touch through blogging, it's fun to see your family, you guys are so cute.

jill langston kaufusi said...

Hi Tenille- nice to meet you (even though i guess we've never actually met...)
The blog of mine that you commented on is just a dumb one i had to start for extra credit for a class. I sent you an invite to our family blog so you can keep up with the one that matters:)